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St. Bart's School's Back to School Plan

Current Plan:


Students will be in-person five days a week with an option to do online learning

Elementary Summer School Program Protocols Update - June 3, 2021

St. Bart's Catholic School will follow the 2020-21 School Year protocols, with the following adjustments.

  • Masks/Face Coverings will be optional.

  • Lunchroom tables will return to the previous arrangement. Students may eat together with appropriate spacing.

  • Parents will be allowed to enter the building at drop-off and pick-up time.

  • The MDH decision tree will be followed - HERE - details below are different from the regular school year.

    • Quarantine period reduced to 10 days from date of exposure (outside of home) no test required to return and if student is without symptoms.

    • Quarantine period reduced to 7 days from date of exposure (outside of home) with a negative PCR test taken no earlier than 5 days after exposure and student is without symptoms.

    • Quarantine of 14 days will be required if exposure is within the household.

    • Siblings only need to stay home if someone in the household has one common, or two less common COVID symptoms per the decision tree, or if anyone in the household has a pending COVID test.

We will monitor recommendations from MDH and adjust as needed throughout the summer.

Updated on February 26, 2021

COVID Testing Policy/Return to School - see Promoting Behaviors that Reduce Spread - When to Stay Home

Daily Symptom Checklist - see Promoting Behaviors that Reduce Spread - When to Stay Home

Updated on January 11, 2021

Temperature Checks- see Maintaining a Healthy Operation - Symptoms Monitoring and Screening

Updated on October 2, 2020

Absent Student Policy - see Promoting Behaviors that Reduce Spread - When to Stay Home

Updated on August 27, 2020

Health Protocols - see Promoting Behaviors that Reduce Spread - When to Stay Home

Health Protocols - see Maintaining a Healthy Operation - Symptoms Monitoring and Screening

Health Protocols - see Maintaining a Health Operation - Threshold for Building Closure

Updated on August 27, 2020

Face Coverings Protocols - see Promoting Behaviors that Reduce Spread - Face Coverings

Updated on August 26, 2020

Arrival & Dismissal Procedures - see Maintaining a Healthy Operation - Schedule to Social Distance

Updated on August 5, 2020

Message from Mr. Fox

As we prepare for the beginning of school while confronting the threat of COVID-19, I want to call your attention to two important government statements as we prepare for in-person education at St. Bart’s Catholic School.

First, on July 24, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that returning to in-person instruction is in the best interest of students and families, and this return to in-person instruction can be accomplished in a way that mitigates the spread of COVID-19. (Statement found here.)

Guidance from the CDC provides the basis for public health decisions in the United States. Local public health departments help craft additional guidance that is intended to help keep communities healthy. Schools, businesses and other organizations work to prudentially integrate the recommendations of those public health authorities responsible for helping us better understand the steps we can take to mitigate the spread of disease. 

Second, less than a week after the CDC’s guidance, Governor Walz and his team announced a learning plan for all public and charter schools for the 2020-2021 school year.  The staff and parents of St. Bart’s are certainly mindful that St. Bart’s is a nonpublic school and that we are responsible for making our own prudent decisions for the good of the children and families we serve.

The importance of in-person instruction for students is underscored by both the recent guidance of the CDC and the statements from the Governor’s Administration. 

St. Bart’s goal is to serve our school families through in-person instruction through the implementation of a set of required health and safety protocols that promote a safe and healthy return to school.


Throughout this pandemic, we have learned of the need to remain flexible.  St. Bart’s will be prepared to deliver student learning if there is a need to shift from in-person instruction to eLearning instruction should the need arise. 


The challenges related to COVID-19 have been significant, particularly for parents, students and teachers. Yet over the last five months, we have learned that with a careful approach to health and safety, the St. Bart’s Community can help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.


By moving forward with our plan to provide in-person learning at the start of the 2020-21 school year, St. Bart’s will continue to partner with parents, teachers and health experts to educate students in a way that promotes health and safety for the children and our community.


Along with all Catholic schools, St. Bart’s is implementing Archdiocesan-wide requirements in order to

  1. continue providing a quality Catholic education for all students

  2. mitigate the risk of the spread of disease and

  3. build a culture of health and safety.


St. Bart’s Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan was created in collaboration with parents and staff.  Our plan allows for careful consideration of the latest public health recommendations.  We will respond to these recommendations with flexibility and efficiency as we adjust to the needs of students, families, and the wider community.


St. Bart’s will help families by providing resources and reminding all that keeping our school healthy requires every family do its part through careful attention to the vigilance that the CDC is encouraging for all Americans.


Working together, families and schools can meet the goals of health and safety as we continue to provide an excellent Catholic faith-based education for our St. Bart’s students.



Patrick Fox


Our Commitment to Families:

  • When to Stay Home
    Enter your answer here
  • Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
    Hand Hygiene Hand washing frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is an effective prevention method to reduce transmission of COVID-19. When soap and water is not available, students will use hand sanitizer. BEGIN NOW: Students and staff get in the habit of frequent hand washing at home: before and after meals, before touching face, after using the bathroom, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing nose. Teachers will incorporate hand washing practices throughout the school day. Click here to learn proper hand hygiene practices! Respiratory Etiquette Practicing Proper Respiratory Etiquette: 1. cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue 2. throw used tissues in the trash AND 3. wash hands using hand washing protocols or hand sanitizer after coughing or sneezing. Tissue not available? Cough or sneeze into your elbow!
  • Face Coverings
    August 27, 2020 Face Covering Protocols Cloth face masks are required for all grades K-6. For K-2 students, classroom teachers will determine when all students are appropriately seated at desks and able to remove masks for various periods of classroom instruction. For students demonstrating difficulty wearing face covering in the areas or situations shown below, we will assist the child and communicate with the family. See this link with information to share with your child/ren about wearing masks: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-to-wear-cloth-face-coverings.html Face Covering Protocols: K-6: At Mass - in Church Masks On K-6: Transition time - Masks On K-6: Hallways (restroom break, lockers, passing time) - Masks On K-6: Lunchroom - Once seated at tables, masks removed while eating K-6: PE - During activities while safely distanced - masks optional K-6: Recess - Outdoors - masks optional K-6: Class Outside - When students safely distanced - masks optional K-2: In Classroom - Students at desks 6 feet apart; masks optional. Students within 6 feet; masks on. 3-6: In Classroom - Masks on while in classroom. Teachers will offer periodic safe and appropriate 'mask breaks' as needed. K-6: Arrival time - Masks On K-6: Carline Dismissal - Masks on until inside vehicle ________________________________________________________________________ On July 22, 2020, the Walz Administration, through Executive Order 20-81, required that all K-12 students, including Catholic school students, wear face coverings inside the school building. In our desire to work collaboratively with public officials and in the spirit of public health and the common good, St. Bart’s will develop protocols that meet the requirements of the Executive Order with a reasonable and thoughtful approach to wearing face coverings in school. The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is working with the Walz Administration to give schools greater flexibility to ensure educational quality and the health and wellbeing of their students and community. It is also our expectation that our Catholic school students will be able to share equitably in the services and funding the Governor has made available to all Minnesota students, which includes access to both cloth and re-usable face coverings. This is a difficult issue and not the way a number of schools planned to start the school year. We are grateful for your continued patience and flexibility as we work to keep our students, teachers, and community healthy and safe as we prepare for in-person learning. What this Order means for your child (based on what we know today): • All K-12 students are required to wear a face covering that covers the nose and mouth. Coverings must be free of writing or distracting designs. • A face shield (clear plastic shield worn in front of the face) may be used for students who cannot wear a face mask. • Teachers will be instructed in proper techniques for wearing facemasks and will use positive behavioral strategies to encourage the safe wearing of facemasks in school. • Students will not be required to wear face coverings during recess, physical education class or lunch. St Bart's Families should anticipate that our face covering protocols must allow for modifications and flexibility according to the ages and developmental needs of our students. We ask you to work with your children and make a good-faith effort to help your child wear a facemask. Parents may opt to send their child to school with a face shield if wearing a face mask is not possible. We will work to make reasonable accommodations for students unable to wear a face covering for reasons associated with a medical condition, mental health condition or disability which make it unreasonable for the child to wear a face covering. In the weeks ahead, we will communicate with families to provide additional and updated information.
  • Signs and Messaging
    St. Bart's School signage and messaging will remind students and staff about the importance of: Hand Hygiene Respiratory Etiquette How to properly wear face coverings Social Distancing Cleaning
  • When to Stay Home
    Enter your answer here
  • Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
    Hand Hygiene Hand washing frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is an effective prevention method to reduce transmission of COVID-19. When soap and water is not available, students will use hand sanitizer. BEGIN NOW: Students and staff get in the habit of frequent hand washing at home: before and after meals, before touching face, after using the bathroom, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing nose. Teachers will incorporate hand washing practices throughout the school day. Click here to learn proper hand hygiene practices! Respiratory Etiquette Practicing Proper Respiratory Etiquette: 1. cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue 2. throw used tissues in the trash AND 3. wash hands using hand washing protocols or hand sanitizer after coughing or sneezing. Tissue not available? Cough or sneeze into your elbow!
  • Face Coverings
    August 27, 2020 Face Covering Protocols Cloth face masks are required for all grades K-6. For K-2 students, classroom teachers will determine when all students are appropriately seated at desks and able to remove masks for various periods of classroom instruction. For students demonstrating difficulty wearing face covering in the areas or situations shown below, we will assist the child and communicate with the family. See this link with information to share with your child/ren about wearing masks: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-to-wear-cloth-face-coverings.html Face Covering Protocols: K-6: At Mass - in Church Masks On K-6: Transition time - Masks On K-6: Hallways (restroom break, lockers, passing time) - Masks On K-6: Lunchroom - Once seated at tables, masks removed while eating K-6: PE - During activities while safely distanced - masks optional K-6: Recess - Outdoors - masks optional K-6: Class Outside - When students safely distanced - masks optional K-2: In Classroom - Students at desks 6 feet apart; masks optional. Students within 6 feet; masks on. 3-6: In Classroom - Masks on while in classroom. Teachers will offer periodic safe and appropriate 'mask breaks' as needed. K-6: Arrival time - Masks On K-6: Carline Dismissal - Masks on until inside vehicle ________________________________________________________________________ On July 22, 2020, the Walz Administration, through Executive Order 20-81, required that all K-12 students, including Catholic school students, wear face coverings inside the school building. In our desire to work collaboratively with public officials and in the spirit of public health and the common good, St. Bart’s will develop protocols that meet the requirements of the Executive Order with a reasonable and thoughtful approach to wearing face coverings in school. The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is working with the Walz Administration to give schools greater flexibility to ensure educational quality and the health and wellbeing of their students and community. It is also our expectation that our Catholic school students will be able to share equitably in the services and funding the Governor has made available to all Minnesota students, which includes access to both cloth and re-usable face coverings. This is a difficult issue and not the way a number of schools planned to start the school year. We are grateful for your continued patience and flexibility as we work to keep our students, teachers, and community healthy and safe as we prepare for in-person learning. What this Order means for your child (based on what we know today): • All K-12 students are required to wear a face covering that covers the nose and mouth. Coverings must be free of writing or distracting designs. • A face shield (clear plastic shield worn in front of the face) may be used for students who cannot wear a face mask. • Teachers will be instructed in proper techniques for wearing facemasks and will use positive behavioral strategies to encourage the safe wearing of facemasks in school. • Students will not be required to wear face coverings during recess, physical education class or lunch. St Bart's Families should anticipate that our face covering protocols must allow for modifications and flexibility according to the ages and developmental needs of our students. We ask you to work with your children and make a good-faith effort to help your child wear a facemask. Parents may opt to send their child to school with a face shield if wearing a face mask is not possible. We will work to make reasonable accommodations for students unable to wear a face covering for reasons associated with a medical condition, mental health condition or disability which make it unreasonable for the child to wear a face covering. In the weeks ahead, we will communicate with families to provide additional and updated information.
  • Signs and Messaging
    St. Bart's School signage and messaging will remind students and staff about the importance of: Hand Hygiene Respiratory Etiquette How to properly wear face coverings Social Distancing Cleaning
  • When to Stay Home
    Enter your answer here
  • Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
    Hand Hygiene Hand washing frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is an effective prevention method to reduce transmission of COVID-19. When soap and water is not available, students will use hand sanitizer. BEGIN NOW: Students and staff get in the habit of frequent hand washing at home: before and after meals, before touching face, after using the bathroom, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing nose. Teachers will incorporate hand washing practices throughout the school day. Click here to learn proper hand hygiene practices! Respiratory Etiquette Practicing Proper Respiratory Etiquette: 1. cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue 2. throw used tissues in the trash AND 3. wash hands using hand washing protocols or hand sanitizer after coughing or sneezing. Tissue not available? Cough or sneeze into your elbow!
  • Face Coverings
    August 27, 2020 Face Covering Protocols Cloth face masks are required for all grades K-6. For K-2 students, classroom teachers will determine when all students are appropriately seated at desks and able to remove masks for various periods of classroom instruction. For students demonstrating difficulty wearing face covering in the areas or situations shown below, we will assist the child and communicate with the family. See this link with information to share with your child/ren about wearing masks: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-to-wear-cloth-face-coverings.html Face Covering Protocols: K-6: At Mass - in Church Masks On K-6: Transition time - Masks On K-6: Hallways (restroom break, lockers, passing time) - Masks On K-6: Lunchroom - Once seated at tables, masks removed while eating K-6: PE - During activities while safely distanced - masks optional K-6: Recess - Outdoors - masks optional K-6: Class Outside - When students safely distanced - masks optional K-2: In Classroom - Students at desks 6 feet apart; masks optional. Students within 6 feet; masks on. 3-6: In Classroom - Masks on while in classroom. Teachers will offer periodic safe and appropriate 'mask breaks' as needed. K-6: Arrival time - Masks On K-6: Carline Dismissal - Masks on until inside vehicle ________________________________________________________________________ On July 22, 2020, the Walz Administration, through Executive Order 20-81, required that all K-12 students, including Catholic school students, wear face coverings inside the school building. In our desire to work collaboratively with public officials and in the spirit of public health and the common good, St. Bart’s will develop protocols that meet the requirements of the Executive Order with a reasonable and thoughtful approach to wearing face coverings in school. The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is working with the Walz Administration to give schools greater flexibility to ensure educational quality and the health and wellbeing of their students and community. It is also our expectation that our Catholic school students will be able to share equitably in the services and funding the Governor has made available to all Minnesota students, which includes access to both cloth and re-usable face coverings. This is a difficult issue and not the way a number of schools planned to start the school year. We are grateful for your continued patience and flexibility as we work to keep our students, teachers, and community healthy and safe as we prepare for in-person learning. What this Order means for your child (based on what we know today): • All K-12 students are required to wear a face covering that covers the nose and mouth. Coverings must be free of writing or distracting designs. • A face shield (clear plastic shield worn in front of the face) may be used for students who cannot wear a face mask. • Teachers will be instructed in proper techniques for wearing facemasks and will use positive behavioral strategies to encourage the safe wearing of facemasks in school. • Students will not be required to wear face coverings during recess, physical education class or lunch. St Bart's Families should anticipate that our face covering protocols must allow for modifications and flexibility according to the ages and developmental needs of our students. We ask you to work with your children and make a good-faith effort to help your child wear a facemask. Parents may opt to send their child to school with a face shield if wearing a face mask is not possible. We will work to make reasonable accommodations for students unable to wear a face covering for reasons associated with a medical condition, mental health condition or disability which make it unreasonable for the child to wear a face covering. In the weeks ahead, we will communicate with families to provide additional and updated information.
  • Signs and Messaging
    St. Bart's School signage and messaging will remind students and staff about the importance of: Hand Hygiene Respiratory Etiquette How to properly wear face coverings Social Distancing Cleaning
  • When to Stay Home
    Enter your answer here
  • Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
    Hand Hygiene Hand washing frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is an effective prevention method to reduce transmission of COVID-19. When soap and water is not available, students will use hand sanitizer. BEGIN NOW: Students and staff get in the habit of frequent hand washing at home: before and after meals, before touching face, after using the bathroom, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing nose. Teachers will incorporate hand washing practices throughout the school day. Click here to learn proper hand hygiene practices! Respiratory Etiquette Practicing Proper Respiratory Etiquette: 1. cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue 2. throw used tissues in the trash AND 3. wash hands using hand washing protocols or hand sanitizer after coughing or sneezing. Tissue not available? Cough or sneeze into your elbow!
  • Face Coverings
    August 27, 2020 Face Covering Protocols Cloth face masks are required for all grades K-6. For K-2 students, classroom teachers will determine when all students are appropriately seated at desks and able to remove masks for various periods of classroom instruction. For students demonstrating difficulty wearing face covering in the areas or situations shown below, we will assist the child and communicate with the family. See this link with information to share with your child/ren about wearing masks: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-to-wear-cloth-face-coverings.html Face Covering Protocols: K-6: At Mass - in Church Masks On K-6: Transition time - Masks On K-6: Hallways (restroom break, lockers, passing time) - Masks On K-6: Lunchroom - Once seated at tables, masks removed while eating K-6: PE - During activities while safely distanced - masks optional K-6: Recess - Outdoors - masks optional K-6: Class Outside - When students safely distanced - masks optional K-2: In Classroom - Students at desks 6 feet apart; masks optional. Students within 6 feet; masks on. 3-6: In Classroom - Masks on while in classroom. Teachers will offer periodic safe and appropriate 'mask breaks' as needed. K-6: Arrival time - Masks On K-6: Carline Dismissal - Masks on until inside vehicle ________________________________________________________________________ On July 22, 2020, the Walz Administration, through Executive Order 20-81, required that all K-12 students, including Catholic school students, wear face coverings inside the school building. In our desire to work collaboratively with public officials and in the spirit of public health and the common good, St. Bart’s will develop protocols that meet the requirements of the Executive Order with a reasonable and thoughtful approach to wearing face coverings in school. The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is working with the Walz Administration to give schools greater flexibility to ensure educational quality and the health and wellbeing of their students and community. It is also our expectation that our Catholic school students will be able to share equitably in the services and funding the Governor has made available to all Minnesota students, which includes access to both cloth and re-usable face coverings. This is a difficult issue and not the way a number of schools planned to start the school year. We are grateful for your continued patience and flexibility as we work to keep our students, teachers, and community healthy and safe as we prepare for in-person learning. What this Order means for your child (based on what we know today): • All K-12 students are required to wear a face covering that covers the nose and mouth. Coverings must be free of writing or distracting designs. • A face shield (clear plastic shield worn in front of the face) may be used for students who cannot wear a face mask. • Teachers will be instructed in proper techniques for wearing facemasks and will use positive behavioral strategies to encourage the safe wearing of facemasks in school. • Students will not be required to wear face coverings during recess, physical education class or lunch. St Bart's Families should anticipate that our face covering protocols must allow for modifications and flexibility according to the ages and developmental needs of our students. We ask you to work with your children and make a good-faith effort to help your child wear a facemask. Parents may opt to send their child to school with a face shield if wearing a face mask is not possible. We will work to make reasonable accommodations for students unable to wear a face covering for reasons associated with a medical condition, mental health condition or disability which make it unreasonable for the child to wear a face covering. In the weeks ahead, we will communicate with families to provide additional and updated information.
  • Signs and Messaging
    St. Bart's School signage and messaging will remind students and staff about the importance of: Hand Hygiene Respiratory Etiquette How to properly wear face coverings Social Distancing Cleaning
  • When to Stay Home
    Enter your answer here
  • Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
    Hand Hygiene Hand washing frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is an effective prevention method to reduce transmission of COVID-19. When soap and water is not available, students will use hand sanitizer. BEGIN NOW: Students and staff get in the habit of frequent hand washing at home: before and after meals, before touching face, after using the bathroom, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing nose. Teachers will incorporate hand washing practices throughout the school day. Click here to learn proper hand hygiene practices! Respiratory Etiquette Practicing Proper Respiratory Etiquette: 1. cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue 2. throw used tissues in the trash AND 3. wash hands using hand washing protocols or hand sanitizer after coughing or sneezing. Tissue not available? Cough or sneeze into your elbow!
  • Face Coverings
    August 27, 2020 Face Covering Protocols Cloth face masks are required for all grades K-6. For K-2 students, classroom teachers will determine when all students are appropriately seated at desks and able to remove masks for various periods of classroom instruction. For students demonstrating difficulty wearing face covering in the areas or situations shown below, we will assist the child and communicate with the family. See this link with information to share with your child/ren about wearing masks: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-to-wear-cloth-face-coverings.html Face Covering Protocols: K-6: At Mass - in Church Masks On K-6: Transition time - Masks On K-6: Hallways (restroom break, lockers, passing time) - Masks On K-6: Lunchroom - Once seated at tables, masks removed while eating K-6: PE - During activities while safely distanced - masks optional K-6: Recess - Outdoors - masks optional K-6: Class Outside - When students safely distanced - masks optional K-2: In Classroom - Students at desks 6 feet apart; masks optional. Students within 6 feet; masks on. 3-6: In Classroom - Masks on while in classroom. Teachers will offer periodic safe and appropriate 'mask breaks' as needed. K-6: Arrival time - Masks On K-6: Carline Dismissal - Masks on until inside vehicle ________________________________________________________________________ On July 22, 2020, the Walz Administration, through Executive Order 20-81, required that all K-12 students, including Catholic school students, wear face coverings inside the school building. In our desire to work collaboratively with public officials and in the spirit of public health and the common good, St. Bart’s will develop protocols that meet the requirements of the Executive Order with a reasonable and thoughtful approach to wearing face coverings in school. The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is working with the Walz Administration to give schools greater flexibility to ensure educational quality and the health and wellbeing of their students and community. It is also our expectation that our Catholic school students will be able to share equitably in the services and funding the Governor has made available to all Minnesota students, which includes access to both cloth and re-usable face coverings. This is a difficult issue and not the way a number of schools planned to start the school year. We are grateful for your continued patience and flexibility as we work to keep our students, teachers, and community healthy and safe as we prepare for in-person learning. What this Order means for your child (based on what we know today): • All K-12 students are required to wear a face covering that covers the nose and mouth. Coverings must be free of writing or distracting designs. • A face shield (clear plastic shield worn in front of the face) may be used for students who cannot wear a face mask. • Teachers will be instructed in proper techniques for wearing facemasks and will use positive behavioral strategies to encourage the safe wearing of facemasks in school. • Students will not be required to wear face coverings during recess, physical education class or lunch. St Bart's Families should anticipate that our face covering protocols must allow for modifications and flexibility according to the ages and developmental needs of our students. We ask you to work with your children and make a good-faith effort to help your child wear a facemask. Parents may opt to send their child to school with a face shield if wearing a face mask is not possible. We will work to make reasonable accommodations for students unable to wear a face covering for reasons associated with a medical condition, mental health condition or disability which make it unreasonable for the child to wear a face covering. In the weeks ahead, we will communicate with families to provide additional and updated information.
  • Signs and Messaging
    St. Bart's School signage and messaging will remind students and staff about the importance of: Hand Hygiene Respiratory Etiquette How to properly wear face coverings Social Distancing Cleaning
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